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8 Times When Diego Sans and His Co-Stars Deserved Hazard Pay

Gay porn is a tough business.   It is Show Business after all, and you actually need talent in addition to a handsome face, a sculpted gym body and a stiff camera-ready cock in order have a lasting and successful career.   Superstar Diego Sans is one of those rare talents who continues to shine after over a decade in the industry. Since joining as an Exclusive Model, he has appeared in an astonishing 105 scenes.  Diego and his scene partners have repeatedly risked life and limb in order to please their fans.  We give you eight times when Diego and his talented co-stars have gone above and beyond to earn our adoration and our subscription dollars.

1. Diego Sans and Paddy O'Brian:
Paddy tries not to think about impending death below, and uses only his toes to prevent from falling into the abyss during his cum shot.
This pairing of gay porn titans is a prime example of each performer's dedication to their craft.  Paddy demonstrates amazing flexion and agility while Diego pounds away on a rocky cliff, at the edge of a gaping chasm.  There is no room for fear of heights, and certainly no time for cramps on this set.

2. Diego Sans and Wesley Woods

Statistically 50% of accidents that occur in the home take place in the bathroom, and of those, 90% result in serious bodily injury or death.  Our talented performers not only tempt fate but display amazing agility and are able to maintain sustained arousal in the face of such gloomy odds.

3. Diego Sans and Erik Andrews

The remaining 50% of accidents that occur in the home happen in the kitchen.  According to production notes, this rigorous fucking scene atop the kitchen counter is remarkable because of the "no lube" policy on set.  While we empathize with Erik Andrews' pain and sacrifice in light of such information, we can certainly understand the need for such safety measures.  As if Diego's feet were not already perched dangerously close to the edge of the counter, imagine the disastrous outcome for both performers if even just a stray drop of lube were to find its way onto this set?

4. Diego Sans and Ian Greene

Undeterred by statistics, Diego and co-star Ian Greene take dangerous kitchen sex to the next level with artful acrobatics and superb demonstration of upper body strength.  We now have even greater appreciation for their performances in light of the "no lube" policy on set while filming these dangerous scenes.  

5. Diego Sans and Ken Ott

Ever the perfectionist, Diego ups the stakes and goes for a one-handed display of strength and balance while maintaining an erection, forever cementing his notoriety as the King of Precarious Countertop Sex.  Again, note the immaculate, lube-free counter tops which made the scene possible.

6. Diego Sans and Rikk York
One of Diego's signature moves as a top is "The Jackhammer."  While not inherently dangerous, this particular scene has co-star Rikk York on the floor, with his torso in an awkward twisting position, and his neck (from  C1 through C7) bearing the full brunt of Diego's downward pounding (Ouch!)

7. Diego Sans, Will Braun and Zak Bishop vs. Diego Sans, Ashton McKay and Brandon Evans
Successful execution of threesome position.
In this beautifully choreographed threesome, we see an example of how strength, agility and stamina from all performers are needed to create a hot scene.  To fully appreciate the innate danger and difficulty of mounting such a position, consider a less successful attempt below by Diego, Ashton McKay and Brandon Evans, which nearly resulted in Brandon being smothered under the weight of Ashton's sweaty ass.

Danger on the set: when threesomes go awry.

8.  Diego Sans, Roman Todd and Tobias
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
When Diego and his co-stars are at the top of their game, they deliver seamless acrobatics so beautifully executed that we do not consider the hidden dangers nor truly appreciate the difficulty of what we are seeing.  It comes down to expert choreography, talent and a lot of trust in your co-stars.  In Figure 1, Diego transitions into a backward handstand while Roman securely latches his face to Diego's ass.  In Figure 2, Tobias removes Roman's chair with precision timing as Roman swings Diego around.  In Figure 3, Diego locks onto Tobias's cock in a masterful display of an upside down deep-throat position.  Diego is able to keep his erection despite gravity forcing all the blood in the opposite direction.  The ultimate depiction of a master at work.


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